An assessment of faecal contamination on latrine front-end surfaces in rural Fiji
Session Type
Congress Presentation
Location Name
Golden Ballroom North
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 12:00 PM - 12:20 PM

Contaminated latrine surface poses a potential risk for pathogen transmission for faecal-oral diseases such as typhoid fever and yet has not been investigated in Fiji. This study assesses latrine front-end characteristics and faecal contamination levels on latrine surfaces in 311 households across 29 rural communities within five catchments of Fiji. Washable latrine floors, despite indicating improved latrines, had six times higher E. coli densities than non-washable floors (p = 0.04), attributed to the presence of moisture and dirt. This study highlights the urgency for prioritising latrine cleanliness and hygiene for the effective disruption of faecal pathogens from latrines.